Page 773 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 26 February 2013

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know that Mr Doszpot feels exactly the same way. Mr Doszpot is always given a wonderful welcome as, indeed, are all members across the political spectrum who attend St Mary MacKillop events.

I know, Mr Assistant Speaker Gentleman, that I have seen you there from time to time. So I know that whether one is representing the Liberal Party or other parties across the political spectrum, we are all given a warm welcome. There is no partisanship from the school but, certainly, can I say what a wonderful school community it is. It is a growing school. I think the fact that it is growing is a recognition of the fact that more and more parents are choosing to send their kids to St Mary MacKillop.

That is a tribute to Michael Lee, to all of the staff and to the culture that they have built up. I commend them for the wonderful contribution that they make to education, particularly in the Tuggeranong valley and across the ACT.

St Vincent de Paul doorknock appeal

MS BERRY (Ginninderra) (5.08): Over the weekend I went out with a team of volunteers to take part in the St Vincent de Paul doorknock appeal. Saturday was not the best weather we have had this summer, but even in the rain there were plenty of smiles on the faces of both the doorknockers and the residents of Dunlop as we did the rounds.

The Vinnie’s doorknock appeal is held each February to raise much-needed funds to support St Vincent de Paul’s good works programs. Money raised supports people across the community. It funds programs to support young people, carers, the mentally ill, those struggling with drug and alcohol dependency, people experiencing financial difficulties or homelessness, the socially isolated and the elderly.

Of particular note is their street to home program, which follows an assertive outreach model to build the relationships and long-term trust necessary to support the most vulnerable members of our community into stable housing.

I thank St Vincent de Paul for these good works and also for giving me a great reminder of this city’s commitment to social justice. I am not a person of faith, and I am not sure about the beliefs of the residents of Dunlop who donated, but, regardless, these people dug deep because, like me, they share the vision of social justice which underpins Vinnie’s work.

St Vincent de Paul approach all of their programs with respect for human dignity, a focus on building capacity in the community and a commitment to a shared hope for a better future. It is these universal values that ensured that everyone we doorknocked gave what they could. I really enjoyed going out and doing my bit to support Vinnie’s fundraising goals and was proud to see the enthusiasm my neighbours had for doing the same thing.

ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show

St Mary MacKillop College opening mass

MR DOSZPOT (Molonglo) (5.10): Last weekend was the annual ActewAGL Royal Canberra Show, and while much publicity is given to the sideshows and the

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