Page 749 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 26 February 2013

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draft variation in line with those recommendations of the committee relevant to the variation document.

I will now provide a brief outline of the government’s response to that report of the committee. The full response is included in the documents I have tabled today. The government agrees with the first recommendation of the committee that the draft variation proceed, subject to the recommendations in the committee’s report. The second recommendation of the committee—that the planning committee of this Legislative Assembly consider revisiting some or all of the issues raised during the inquiry—is noted by the government

The government agrees with recommendation 3 that the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate will monitor the impact on solar access of structures that do not require approval and, if necessary, amend the requirements.

In response to the fourth recommendation—to eliminate wasted strips of land at both edges of blocks—the solar envelope provision has been amended to allow more flexibility in relation to building close to the side boundary. The solar fence provision has been extended from 1.8 metres to 2.4 metres over that part of the boundary between the minimum front setback and a point 10 metres to the rear. This change will allow a building, ordinarily a garage, to be located closer to the side boundary in the forward portion of the block. This addresses the concerns raised by representatives of the housing industry.

The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate will monitor the provisions introduced for RZ2 to determine their impact on the goals of affordable housing and urban infill. The broader strategic approach to RZ2 zonings would be considered in the context of the planning strategy. Other provisions introduced with the variation address recommendation 5. These include new provisions for secondary residences and a reduction of the minimum block size for dual occupancies in the RZ2 zone from 800 square metres to 700.

Recommendations 6 and 7 relate to the content to be included in future variations. The government has agreed to these recommendations.

The government agrees in principle to recommendation 8 regarding publishing the territory plan electronically in a number of formats. The only authorised version of the territory plan is accessible on the ACT legislation register, and its format is restricted by the limitations of the register.

More flexibility in the parking requirements for secondary residences in the residential zones development code was introduced to implement the committee’s recommendation 9. Changes to the secondary residences provisions were also made in response to suggestions made by the committee.

In response to recommendation 10, the government is considering remitting the lease variation charge for secondary residences when a lease variation is required. This will encourage the development of this new form of housing, ensure equity between

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