Page 474 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 13 February 2013

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MS GALLAGHER: I think I will cover that in my answer when I come back with more detail.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: Chief Minister, how can the public have any faith that you will address any issues if your failure rate continues to increase as it has done?

MS GALLAGHER: I just do not accept the question that the member has put. We take great care with our responses to audits from the Auditor-General. Some of them will take longer than others to implement. Some of them are more urgent than others. Some come with greater risk than others and require that they be implemented.

As to the specifics of the question, there will be a reasonable answer to the suggestions that the opposition are putting. I do not accept that we do not follow good practice in relation to implementing audit recommendations or that directorates are not focused on them. They are, and I think that overall the audit rated the financial statements as good or satisfactory and this was in line with previous audit findings.


MR COE: My question is to the Treasurer. The rollover of undisbursed appropriation under section 16B of the Financial Management Act 1996 that you tabled yesterday noted:

$200,000 for Public Art Scheme—Projects have been delayed awaiting final approval of locations for artworks, artists’ schedules, and the provision of defects payments to artists 12 months following installation.

Treasurer, how much of the public art funds goes to local artists and how much goes to other artists?

MR BARR: I will have to take that question on notice; I do not have that information in front of me.

MADAM SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Coe.

MR COE: Treasurer, can you detail what is meant by a provision of defects payment, how much they are, who they are being paid to and why?

MR BARR: Again, perhaps the question is best answered in detail. I will take it on notice. It is the sort of question you would anticipate coming as a question on notice rather than without in this context.

MADAM SPEAKER: A supplementary question.

MR SMYTH: Treasurer, how much are delays awaiting final approvals of locations for artworks costing the territory?

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