Page 417 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 February 2013

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Debate (on motion by Mr Corbell) adjourned to the next sitting.

Mr Richard Stalker—retirement

Statement by Speaker

MADAM SPEAKER: Before I call the minister to move the adjournment motion, I would like to inform the Assembly that during the Christmas break one of our long-serving attendants, Richard Stalker, known as Dick, retired from the Legislative Assembly. At the time of his retirement I was asked whether there was going to be any function, farewell morning tea or whatnot.

I was informed that Dick had specifically asked that there not be a farewell function and we complied with that. But I would like to place on the record my appreciation as Speaker and as a long-serving member of this Assembly for Dick’s service as an attendant. He has been here in various capacities as an attendant since 2002, becoming a permanent attendant in 2007.

For those of us who have been here for a long time, we always relied upon Dick, especially on Monday mornings, as we all became Monday morning quarterbacks and mulled over the sporting successes and failures of the previous weekend. I was one person in particular who, when I was having particular trouble with my football tipping, would always go to Dick for advice.

I would like to pass on to Dick and his family the very best wishes of the ACT Legislative Assembly.


Motion (by Mr Corbell) proposed:

That the Assembly do now adjourn.


MR WALL (Brindabella) (5.01): I rise this evening to acknowledge the great work of Menslink, a local charity which raises awareness about the challenges and issues facing young men today. I, along with many of my Assembly colleagues, including Mr Doszpot, had the privilege of volunteering for Menslink at the Prime Minister’s XI cricket match held at Manuka Oval on 29 January. I thank Martin Fisk and Scott MacFarlane for inviting me to take part. Menslink has been part of the Canberra community for over 10 years and over that time has helped over a thousand young men through troubled times—to avoid isolation, depression, crime, drugs and suicide.

I was very pleased with the generosity of Canberrans as I made my way through the crowds accepting donations on the day. I am told that the day at the cricket raised almost $5,000 and, very importantly, raised the profile of the organisation to an all-time high. Six new volunteer mentors got involved as a result of the day and at least

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