Page 393 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 12 February 2013

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Planning, Public Works and Territory and Municipal Services—Standing Committee—Report 14—Report on Annual and Financial Reports 2010-2011.

Public Accounts—Standing Committee—Report 23—Report on Annual and Financial Reports 2010-11.

I seek leave to make a statement in relation to the papers.

Leave granted.

MS GALLAGHER: I am pleased to present the government’s response to all six of the Seventh Assembly standing committee reports on the 2010-11 annual and financial reports of ACT government agencies. In keeping with past practice, I am tabling the responses to all six committee reports together on behalf of all ministers. This is because the standing committee reports generally cover more than one portfolio and in some cases issues raised in the reports have cross-directorate implications.

Annual and financial reports are prepared by agencies in accordance with the Annual Reports (Government Agencies) Act 2004, the Financial Management Act 1996 and the Chief Minister’s Directorate annual report directions. In this regard, the government seeks to ensure that annual and financial reports are continually updated to reflect best practice and full accountability.

The standing committees made 48 recommendations. The government has agreed in full, in principle or in part to 32 recommendations, has noted 12 recommendations and has not agreed with four recommendations. I commend the government’s report to the Assembly.

Legislation program—autumn 2013

Paper and statement by minister

MS GALLAGHER (Molonglo—Chief Minister, Minister for Regional Development, Minister for Health and Minister for Higher Education): For the information of members, I present the following paper:

Legislation Program—Autumn 2013

I seek leave to make a statement in relation to the paper.

Leave granted.

MS GALLAGHER: I am very pleased to present the government’s legislation program for the autumn 2013 sittings and our first in the Eighth Assembly. This legislation program builds upon our past achievements and it pursues commitments made by the government by way of our election promises and our parliamentary agreement with the ACT Greens. It also looks forward to our second century as a city.

Whilst the work of this chamber makes up just a small part of the overall work of government, it is, nonetheless, a critical part of our role as elected representatives. I would like to outline some of the ongoing policy priorities for which the government will be proposing legislation during this session of the Assembly.

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