Page 3714 - Week 08 - Friday, 24 August 2012

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3) Claim payments made by Directorate for the last 3 financial years are as follows:

Payments made in Financial Year





Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate




Community Services Directorate




Economic Development Directorate




Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate




Education and Training Directorate




Health Directorate




Justice and Community Safety Directorate




Territory and Municipal Services Directorate




Treasury Directorate




While the Plan identifies a target reduction of 10% in payments for claims that are 18 months or older (over the previously reported period), this measure cannot be taken in isolation of the qualitative performance measures underpinning the Plan that focus on:

improved return to work and health outcomes for injured workers;

building a strong, capable ACTPS workforce; and

building stronger people management skills in case managers, line managers and supervisors.

Success against the qualitative performance measures that underpin the Plan will produce significant improvements to the health and return to work outcomes of injured ACTPS workers and by extension lead to a reduction in the Territory’s workers’ compensation premium.

The dollar impact on premiums by Directorate cannot be known until the annual whole-of-Government premium is determined by Comcare and the actuary engaged by the Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate has determined the proportion of that amount payable by individual Directorates.

4) The People and Performance Council oversees the implementation of the Plan. Where performance or outcomes are not as expected, the Plan allows for a number of interventions, including the development and implementation of targeted improvement plans which will be overseen by the Commissioner for Public Administration and the People and Performance Council and intervention by the Head of Service where necessary.

5) The Charter of Partnership 2011-2013 (the Charter) is not used as a means of measuring the monetary value that the Territory is to derive from Comcare as its insurer.

The Charter details the cooperative approach to be modelled by Comcare and the ACTPS in effectively managing work-related injuries and details the Territory’s service delivery expectations of Comcare. It provides a clear articulation of how the Territory’s insurance arrangement will be managed and ensures a shared understanding of obligations and responsibilities

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