Page 3566 - Week 08 - Friday, 24 August 2012

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Statement by chair

MS LE COUTEUR (Molonglo): Pursuant to standing order 246A I wish to make a statement on behalf of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts regarding certain Auditor-General’s reports currently before the committee.

In the course of the Seventh Assembly the committee has completed a heavy workload. It has tabled 30 reports containing 346 recommendations and extending over 1,890 pages. Of these 30 reports, 16 inquired further into reports of the Auditor-General, which are automatically referred to the committee, nine addressed matters referred to the committee by the Legislative Assembly, two addressed the committee’s participation in the activities of the Australasian Council of Public Accounts Committees, and two arose from self-referred inquiries.

Nevertheless, due to time constraints the committee has not been able to commence or has been unable to complete its inquiries into a number of referred Auditor-General’s reports. As such, the committee resolved on 10 July 2012 that the following Auditor-General’s reports should stand referred to the Eighth Assembly’s Standing Committee on Public Accounts:

No 6 of 2011: Management of food safety in the Australian Capital Territory;

No 1 of 2012: Monitoring and minimising harm caused by problem gambling in the ACT;

No 2 of 2012: Whole-of-government information and communication technology security management and services;

No 3 of 2012: Early childhood schooling;

No 4 of 2012: Development application and approval process for high density residential and commercial developments; and

No 5 of 2012: Management of recycling estates and e-waste.

With regard to Auditor-General’s report No 5 of 2012: Management of recycling estates and e-waste, Mr Hargreaves took no part in the committee’s decision to refer this report to the public accounts committee of the Eighth Assembly, as he has previously been a minister with responsibility for waste management.

Under its resolution of appointment, the committee examines all reports of the Auditor-General which have been presented to the Assembly. The committee has established procedures for its examination of reports. The committee has reached different stages in its inquiries on the aforementioned reports in accordance with these procedures, and I will briefly outline the current situation with these reports.

The committee has commenced but not completed its examination of Auditor-General’s report No 6 of 2011: Management of food safety in the ACT, which was

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