Page 3544 - Week 08 - Thursday, 23 August 2012

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Part 3ASocial impact statements

12ADefinitions—pt 3A

In this part:

gaming machine proposal, for a social impact statement—see section 12B (2).

local community, for a social impact statement, means the community within 3km of the premises to which the machines are to be relocated.

12BRequirements for social impact statements—
Act, s 26AA (6) (a)

A social impact statement for a small scale machine relocation amendment application must—

(a) include an objective analysis of the likely economic and social impact of the operation of gaming machines under the licences as proposed to be amended (the gaming machine proposal); and

(b) objectively identify the positive aspects or benefits of the gaming machine proposal as well as the negative aspects or detriments of the proposal.

12CMatters to be addressed by social impact statements—
Act, s 26AA (6) (b)

(1) A social impact statement for a small scale machine relocation amendment application must address the following matters:

(a) the likely impact of the gaming machine proposal on the existing local community, including business activity in the local community;

(b) the likely impact of the gaming machine proposal on the local community, taking into account the population profile of people living in the local community, including an analysis of age and average income;

(c) the current harm minimisation measures taken by the licensee in relation to gaming machine activity, and the harm minimisation measures proposed to be taken in relation to the gaming machine proposal.

(2) This section does not limit the matters that may be addressed in a social impact statement.

12DInformation to be given in social impact statements—
Act, s 26AA (6) (c)

(1) A social impact statement for a small scale machine relocation amendment application must, to the extent that the information is available to the applicant, include—

(a) the number and location of existing gambling outlets in the local community; and

(b) the following information for the preceding 3 years:

(i) the level of gaming machine activity by—

(A) the applicant; and

(B) other licensees in the local community;

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