Page 3516 - Week 08 - Thursday, 23 August 2012

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So let us be very clear. I am quite happy to come back tomorrow with the cabinet papers that prove without doubt that the Canberra Liberals actually were the ones that put that block on the corner of Heagney and Deamer crescents on the land release program.

The other thing I noticed during this evening’s discussions was that those opposite got very excited when they had an audience. There was some sub-branch of the Canberra Liberals here. Mr Seselja was talking. I cannot remember what the subject was, but what drew my attention was his reference to a Brindabella candidate, Nicole Lawder. He named her and he spoke highly of her.

I know that this candidate is the CEO of Homelessness Australia and I also know that the mission statement of Homelessness Australia is to promote national policy and action to reduce homelessness and its impact on the diverse range of people it affects. If you click on the definition of “homelessness” and then go to the bottom of that page, it has a link to and asks for donations. It states:

Donate to some of our larger organisation members or seek out a smaller organisation nearer to you …

They list as very worthy organisations Mission Australia, St Vincent de Paul and the Salvation Army.

What brought my attention to this was that the Salvation Army has established a youth homelessness cluster in the Belconnen region that is working exceptionally well. The Salvation Army, through Housing ACT, is looking to establish a youth homelessness cluster in the suburb of Chisholm. That again seems to be a focus of those opposite tonight.

A letter has been distributed publicly. I brought it to Mr Smyth’s attention. His name is on RiotAct. I brought that to Mr Smyth’s attention. Those comments said that Mr Smyth is actively opposing the development of a youth homelessness cluster. I find that extraordinary. Here he was spruiking the benefits of having such solid candidates, with such good social policy, working for the community. Mr Smyth has said to me that was not what he said, that was what they think he said, but at the same time he has not resolved his position one way or another.

I support the Salvation Army in all the work they do and I think our homeless youth deserve the best opportunity that they can get. The work that the Salvos do is extraordinary. I call on the Canberra Liberals—again as I have said here, they consider homelessness to be negotiable, a second-rate bit of policy—to stand here and say that they support the social enterprise of the Salvation Army, that they support the notion of supporting our youth who need homelessness services.

In the absence of that, I can only think that Mr Smyth and the Canberra Liberals dismiss the issue of homelessness, dismiss the issue of supporting our youth across Canberra and the endeavours of the Salvation Army.

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