Page 3465 - Week 08 - Thursday, 23 August 2012

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I find this very concerning. I know that there has been the global economic financial crisis and I know that the value of the Australian dollar is relatively higher than it has been. But at the same time the inherent attractions in the ACT, both national and local, should continue to provide interest on the part of visitors in coming here and viewing those exhibits.

Prior to the last election I floated the idea of a blockbuster fund. That idea was laughed at by the government. Subsequently, what did we see? A blockbuster fund from the government. This fund has been used to underpin major exhibitions, particularly at the National Gallery. It took quite a while but this government finally realised that one of the most powerful ways in which the ACT can act is to assist major exhibitions to put on major events.

The experience of this approach is in sharp contrast to the stupidity of the supposed major autumn event, which is now called Enlighten. This event, which was to be a hallmark event, a stand-alone event, such as it is now, and which has been absorbed basically into the Canberra Festival, has been nothing short of a fiasco from its earliest point. Unfortunately, the funds poured into this event by this government are probably unlikely to see any return.

I am a strong supporter of developing a new international-standard convention centre in the nation’s capital. The facility is certainly being pushed for by the community and it is certainly something that needs to be looked at. I also look forward to the current project and commend the government for evaluating the branding of Canberra exercise. It should be a most useful exercise as long as we then have a long-term commitment to ensuring that the benefits of rebranding are adequately funded. Without that, the exercise will remain a waste.

There is also the issue of long-term planning for tourism in the ACT. One of the recommendations, recommendation 88, states:

The Committee recommends that the ACT Government develop a strategy for long-term tourism needs in respect of accommodation, attractions and events and in doing so consider the Western Australian-Government Tourism WA strategies addressing the same needs.

The government’s response is interesting. The government’s response is “noted”. It then goes on to read:

The Government is committed to addressing the challenges facing the tourism industry … as part of the National Tourism 2020 initiative. Tourism 2020 is a national framework to enhance growth and competitiveness in the tourism industry. Endorsed by all State and Territory Tourism Ministers, it brings the existing work, research and collaboration …

It goes on to say:

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