Page 3322 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 August 2012

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I thank the AIDS Action Council of the ACT and Andrew Burry, the general manager, Marcus Bogie and Nada Ratcliffe. The AIDS Action Council is a community organisation that aims to minimise the social and personal impacts of and the transmission of HIV and AIDS.

I thank Alzheimer’s Australia ACT and Jane Allen, the CEO, and Barbara Fenemore for the great work they do. I have had recent opportunities to visit both the ACT organisation and the national organisation. Alzheimer’s Australia ACT is the peak body representing the interests of people affected by dementia in the ACT, and they do tremendous work.

I thank the AMA ACT, their president, and their CEO, Christine Brill, who has been with the organisation for so many years and who has made such a contribution to the AMA. They really are a fantastic organisation in providing advice. They have been of great value to me as opposition spokesman for health in providing me with assistance in development of ideas.

I thank Arthritis ACT and Helen Krig, the CEO. Arthritis ACT is a non-profit organisation which aims to increase the quality of life for people in the ACT who suffer from arthritis, osteoporosis and other musculoskeletal conditions.

I thank the Asthma Foundation ACT, their president, Kevin Gill, and Nathalie Maconachie, their CEO. They provide asthma information, education, training and advocacy in the community and promote research.

I thank the Australian College of Midwives ACT and Melissa Pearce. It is a national not-for-profit organisation that serves as the peak professional body for midwives in Australia. I recently attended the international midwives day oration on 5 May.

I thank Autism Asperger ACT and their president, Gay von Ess, and Bob Buckley their vice-president. Well done on the work they do improving the understanding of autism and spectrum disorders within our local community.

Bosom Buddies is a very well-known organisation here in the ACT. Eleanor Bates is their president and Maureen Ashford is their office administrator. They have been doing fantastic work to support people who have commenced their breast cancer journey and to support those who are newly diagnosed by using a buddy system. They do wonderful work engaging with the community and have roped a number of politicians into various events, including the hat hat hooray competition which I participated in recently.

The Cancer Council of the ACT, Joan Bartlett, their CEO, and Christine Brill do good work as a non-profit organisation that aims to promote a healthier community by reducing the incidence and impact of cancer in the ACT region. I was very proud to have participated with a team in the relay for life earlier this year.

I thank Diabetes ACT, the president, Anna Pino, and Laurel Davies, the head of fund raising. They do great work to help people with diabetes. I think a number of us have participated in the singing bee, which is a great event they hold annually.

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