Page 3168 - Week 08 - Wednesday, 22 August 2012

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gone towards new roads, new schools, new hospitals and a range of other public infrastructure. In the process, of course, it has contributed to the creation of many local jobs.

The government’s health infrastructure program is responding directly to growth in service demand. Health infrastructure supports front-line health staff in delivering world-class and cutting-edge services to our community. Technology and improved care models such as community post-hospital support and other step-up, step-down facilities are key features of this infrastructure.

To meet the needs of our growing population, we are also committed to building a new north side hospital. The government is investing in the new women’s and children’s hospital, the acute mental health in-patient unit and community health centres in Gungahlin, Tuggeranong and Belconnen.

Innovative approaches to delivery of services are being funded by the government, with more than $90 million committed to e-health services. These investments aim to improve chronic disease management and, amongst other things, improve preventative health care. Prevention provides better overall quality of life for Canberrans and places downward pressure on health expenditure growth. Every member I am sure would agree on the benefits of preventative health investment.

The 2012-13 budget provides $24.6 million for a new joint fire and ambulance station at Charnwood and $400,000 to upgrade police stations and the Winchester Centre. The budget contains $63.7 million for new buses, improved accessibility at our bus stops, improved cycling and walking infrastructure and other measures towards meeting the goals of the transport for Canberra plan.

The new urban improvement program provides $96 million over four years to improve our parks and recreation areas, to upgrade shopping centres, to upgrade roads, cycle paths and footpaths, and to improve our urban environment. We have also allocated $119 million to support continued land release in Gungahlin and Molonglo to cater for the future growth of the territory.

This is responsible investment that responds to the needs of a growing city. It creates an even higher standard of facilities for Canberrans, and helps our city to grow by increasing our productive capacity. Labor’s infrastructure investment is making Canberra even stronger.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Hargreaves, a supplementary question.

MR HARGREAVES: My supplementary is: can the Treasurer please indicate how the government’s budget will improve school infrastructure?

MR BARR: The government is funding significant improvements in school infrastructure in this budget. There is $3.5 million for stage 1 of the carbon neutral schools program. This will help schools install high efficiency lighting, roof insulation and upgrades to their heating systems and other measures to help them become carbon neutral. It is not only good environmental practice; it is also good business practice in that it helps schools lower their power and heating costs.

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