Page 3031 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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(8) What is the total amount outstanding from the NSW Government for inpatient fees and how much of this amount is related to financial years prior to 2011-2012.

(9) Is interest being charged to the NSW Government for amounts outstanding; if not, is it possible under the cross-border agreement to impose an interest charge.

(10) Is the cross-border agreement between the ACT and NSW Governments publicly available; if not, is it possible for the Minister to provide a copy.

(11) Does page 12 of the annual report refer to the potential risks that may influence the future financial position of the Directorate and the manner in which these risks are being responded to by the Government and the Directorate; if so, what work has been undertaken by the Directorate in (a) strengthening its patient safety and clinical practice framework to minimise the risks associated with the cost of medical malpractice indemnity and what modelling has been undertaken by the Directorate to determine whether this work will lead to reduced insurance claims and what the projected annual savings in medical practice indemnity insurance costs would be and (b) enhancing its procurement processes to address the rising costs of pharmaceuticals and medical and surgical supplies and what (i) modelling has been undertaken by the Directorate to determine whether this work will lead to cost savings and (ii) are these projected cost savings on an annualised basis.

Ms Gallagher: I am advised that the answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) A break-down of inpatient fees ($27.285m) is below:

Ordinary Private (Insured) Shared Room


Ordinary Private (Not Insured) Shared Room


Ordinary Private (Insured) Single Room


Nurse Home Type-Hospital


Nurse Home Type-Private


Compensable (Worker Comp)


Compensable (Third Party)


Compensable (Other)




DVA Prosthesis


Ordinary DVA-Hospital Service


Nurse Home Type-DVA


Private accommodation fees for shared rooms are determined by the Commonwealth and are based on national CPI movements. Where fees are not controlled by the federal government, estimated ACT WPI movements are applied to charges in line with ACT Government Policy. Non-eligible refers to overseas visitors and diplomatic staff.

(2) The Inventory sales revenue figure of $19.002m includes charges for Sterilising Services provided to Calvary Hospital of $2.8m. The level of Inventory revenue related to cost of goods sold expenditure is $16.2m. The difference between the revenue figure of $16.2m and the expense figure of $15.6m reflects the funds collected by the Health Directorate to cover the cost of providing the service.

(3) The actual cost of providing inpatient activity to residents of NSW for 2010-11 and the previous 3 years is not available. The Directorate is still working with NSW to confirm the activity for those years.

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