Page 3018 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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(2) The magnets are funded by Theiss Services from the Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) recycling funds. The costs are as follows:

production of the magnets

$5,374.00 (including GST)

production of posters for the campaign

$51.20 (including GST)

distribution of the magnets was

$2,048.00 (exclusive of GST)

As part of the campaign, 4,500 magnets are being distributed in ‘new parent bounty bags’ by ACP Magazines Ltd. A further 500 magnets are being distributed by ACT NOWaste staff at appropriate events. Posters have been distributed for display to child and family health centres, clinics, birthing suites and hospitals.

(3) No further anecdotal data can be provided.

(4) No formal community feedback has been received regarding the campaign or its effectiveness; however the campaign has prompted discussions between community members and staff of ACT NOWaste indicating a mixed understanding of the issues associated with the practice.

Many are surprised that disposable nappies are actually placed in the recycling bin. Others are surprised that they cannot be placed in the recycling bin, citing that some nappies are bio degradable.

There are currently no facilities available in the ACT to compost bio-degradable nappies.

(5) No.

(6) Waste in the ACT is assessed and classified against the ACT's Environmental Standards: Assessment and Classification of Liquid and Non-liquids Wastes June 2000 (the Standards).

A copy of the Standards can be found at:

Under Table 2 of the Standards disposable nappies are pre classified as ‘solid’ waste and are suitable for disposal within the active leachate control area at the Mugga Lane Resource Management Centre. This waste type or stream also includes incontinence pads and sanitary napkins.

(7) The standards referred to in question (6) above address the environmental and health issues associated with disposing of soiled nappies to landfill. Placing soiled nappies in the recycling bin however definitely has health implications for the workers on the sort line of the MRF.

(8) A copy of quantitative data analysis can be provided, once the report is finalised.

(9) ACT NOWaste commissions a residual waste audit of the MRF every two years. The next audit is scheduled for later in 2012.

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