Page 2996 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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Asylum seekers—support
(Question No 2312)

Ms Bresnan asked the Minister for Community Services, upon notice, on 3 May 2012 (redirected to the Minister for the Multicultural Affairs):

(1) On average how many asylum seekers per annum are supported by the ACT Government.

(2) What is the average level of funding per annum, by individual, provided by the Commonwealth to the ACT Government to provide support services and community based accommodation for asylum seekers.

(3) Is there a memorandum of understanding, or alternative form of agreement, between the Commonwealth and ACT Government for the provision of support services and community based accommodation; if so, what services has the ACT Government agreed to provide and to what level.

(4) What is the average level of expenditure provided, by individual, by the ACT Government to assist asylum seekers with support services.

(5) What is the average level of expenditure provided, by individual, by the ACT Government to assist asylum seekers with community based accommodation support and does this support involve the provision of public housing, or alternatively rental assistance for the rental of private properties.

Ms Burch: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. The ACT Government funds support programs for asylum seekers through a number of community organisations including the Multicultural Youth Service Inc and the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Service Inc.

From 1 July 2010 to 30 June 2011, of the 215 clients assisted by the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Service Inc, 2 clients identified as asylum seekers.

In the period 1 July 2011 to 28 May 2012, of the 399 clients assisted by the Migrant and Refugee Settlement Service Inc, 14 clients identified as asylum seekers.

The Multicultural Youth Services Inc do not have a specific target group of asylum seekers however some asylum seekers participate in school holiday programs.

2. The Commonwealth Government does not provide any funding to the ACT Government to provide support services and community based accommodation for asylum seekers.

The Commonwealth Government funds the Red Cross to provide support services to asylum seekers in the ACT.

3. The Commonwealth Government has not signed a memorandum of understanding, or any alternative form of agreement with the ACT Government for the provision of community based accommodation.

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