Page 2976 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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(1)-(4) The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate does not have the responsibility to establish community gardens in the ACT. The Directorate does not have funding nor incur any costs for establishing, managing or maintaining community gardens.

In the ACT, community gardens are usually community based initiatives. Currently, there are also considerations by the Land Development Agency and other developers to provide community gardens in newly developing neighbourhoods, such as Lawson South, Coombs/Wright and Forde.

The Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate’s role is developing planning policy for community gardens including the criteria for selecting the location of future sites for community gardens.

(5) The Health Directorate is funding the University of Canberra to develop a digital map of community gardens. The map is still under production and will be made available once data verification and testing has been completed.

(6) The details and full list of the classification types of community gardens will be provided by the Health Directorate when the digital mapping is complete.

(7) The University of Canberra is currently undertaking a study of the demand for community gardens for the Environment and Sustainable Development Directorate. This study is building on the face-to-face interviews and on-line survey previously undertaken by the University and is scheduled to be completed by 31 August 2012.

(8) As part of this study considering demand, the University of Canberra is also addressing the benefits of community gardens for the wider ACT community. It will also provide a better understanding of the people who use community gardens, their future needs and the interests of specific groups, including children, young people and seniors.

(9) Given the scope of the current study by the University of Canberra it will include consideration of any social enterprise opportunities arising from community gardens.

Environment—Hyder report
(Question No 2291)

Ms Le Couteur asked the Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development, upon notice, on 2 May 2012:

(1) In relation to the Hyder Report, Assessment of Waste Infrastructure and Services Options for the ACT, from December 2011 and Treasury’s costing of the Canberra Liberals election initiative Green Bins for Canberra, from 20 September 2008, can the Minister please provide copies of the full detailed quantitative and qualitative assessments for each of the seven short listed scenarios in the Hyder Report, that is, Hyder’s working paper files, being: Business as usual scenario; Garden waste collection scenario (garden 3rd bin); Organic waste collection scenario (organic 3rd bin); Residual waste MRF scenario (R-w MRF); Education Scenario (Education); Least-cost bioenergy scenario (TCF1) and Slow pyrolysis scenario (TCF2).

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