Page 2889 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012
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Roads ACT will supplement the audit report with the investigation undertaken on the fatal crash by its senior traffic engineer, who assessed the contribution made by the road conditions to the crash. Detailed information and suggested treatments from a number of other forums, such as the Canberra Pedestrian Forum, which submitted a comprehensive report and proposed a range of safety improvements, as well as this petition from hospital staff, will be considered before any recommendations are finalised. I expect to be briefed on the final road audit report during July 2012.
I would like to thank the hospital staff who arranged the petition. The organisers advise that the petition was circulated and received an overwhelming response, with 1,800 people signing the petition at the time that I received it.
Supplementary answer to question without notice
Canberra Hospital—birthing centre
MS GALLAGHER: I just have one other matter. It has just been brought to my attention that yesterday in question time I gave an incorrect figure to the Assembly. I have not checked the Hansard myself, but I understand I used the figure that the women’s and children’s hospital would cost $121 million. I have mixed up my figures. It is $21 million above the $90 million that was originally appropriated, so the figure for the budget is $111 million, as had been previously reported. I do apologise to the Assembly for that. I mixed up the $21 million figure, but it remains the $111 million as had been previously reported.
Social procurement
Paper and statement by minister
MR BARR (Molonglo—Deputy Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation): For the information of members I present the following paper:
Social procurement—Government response.
I ask leave to make a statement in relation to the paper.
Leave granted.
MR BARR: On 29 June 2011 the government supported Ms Hunter’s motion in relation to social procurement, which was resolved with the government agreeing to a series of actions for the subsequent 12 months. The government had in June 2010 announced its intention to add social value to government procurements and had in the intervening period begun raising awareness within the public service about the possibilities for social procurement. The government has also begun raising awareness in the sectors from which it procures.
Social procurement is not an act of welfare. Social procurement, in order to be sustainable, supports commercially viable business enterprises that can provide long-term improved outcomes for people with an employment disadvantage. The
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