Page 2862 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012

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There are a range of targeted measures designed to assist households facing financial pressures with the cost of living. These are being implemented through this budget, and I would like to mention the expansion of funding for the no interest loan scheme for community organisations to establish loan programs for people experiencing financial hardship and who are unable to access mainstream credit or cannot afford the interest on commercial loans.

I will say that I think more detail about the targeted assistance package and the operation of some of the concessions is required, and this is certainly something that we will be pursuing in estimates.

Taking a quick look at my own electorate, I am pleased to see in Ginninderra that the government has provided $300,000 in funding to stage 2 of the Belconnen Arts Centre development. Throughout this term I have supported the Belconnen Arts Centre’s call for funding and have raised concerns about the amenity and accessibility to Lake Ginninderra for residents and visitors to the centre. I have done that on a number of occasions.

Talk of lakes in Canberra usually quickly focuses on Lake Burley Griffin, and Lake Ginninderra can sometimes be forgotten. I will be interested to hear in estimates about the government’s plans for improving the lake water quality, and particularly for the Emu Inlet project. I also look forward to talking to the government about transport improvements for the Belconnen area, noting that we have had the extended Blue Rapid service established and put into Belconnen, which has been a great improvement for many Belconnen commuters.

What would the Greens do differently? The budget gives all parties the chance to articulate what their vision for Canberra is, what their priorities and values are and, for the Liberals and ourselves, the opportunity to tell the community what we would do differently were we in control of the purse strings.

The Greens have a very clear alternative vision for Canberra. We are a party with strong values, clear ideas and a distinct view of how things should be done differently, both today and across the decades to come. We never step back from a policy debate and, despite having the fewest members in this place, we have brought the most new ideas to the table.

The Greens have been the ones getting things done. Ms Le Couteur said it very well yesterday. Her record on getting legislation into this place has been good but not all of her legislation has got through. But many of the ideas have ultimately been implemented. They have been excellent and they have made real differences to Canberra’s planning system. It is much better for it. I know that we have won a lot of support out there in the community—particularly Caroline, for her hard work on planning.

The Greens have delivered a better walking and cycling network, better bus services, a library, wetlands, recycling facilities, more efficient houses, legal services for those who cannot afford them, a library in Kingston, and much more.

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