Page 2822 - Week 07 - Thursday, 7 June 2012
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meets every two years in conference and meets between conferences in the form of a mid-term meeting to, firstly, exchange information and opinion relating to public accounts committees; secondly, discuss matters of mutual concern and issues specifically pertaining to Australasian public accounts committees; and, thirdly, discuss and agree an agenda for the biennial ACPAC conference.
All Australian jurisdictions together with New Zealand were represented at the meeting by the following committees: Commonwealth Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit; New Zealand Finance and Expenditure Committee; New South Wales Public Accounts Committee; Northern Territory Public Accounts Committee; Queensland Finance and Administration Committee; South Australian Statutory Authorities Review Committee; South Australian Economic and Finance Committee; Tasmanian Joint Standing Committee of Public Accounts; Victorian Public Accounts and Estimates Committee; and Western Australian Public Accounts Committee delegates attending included chairpersons, members and staff of Australasian public accounts committees or, of course, their equivalents.
As part of the official formalities, the Assembly’s Acting Speaker, Ms Mary Porter AM MLA, welcomed delegates to the ACT Legislative Assembly. In addition to ACPAC business, the following guest speakers also presented at the meeting: firstly, the commonwealth Auditor-General, Mr Ian McPhee PSM. His presentation entitled “Audits of commonwealth partners” provided an overview on work that has been taking place with regard to audits of specific commonwealth payments. This work follows recent amendments to the commonwealth Auditor-General Act 1997, which give the commonwealth Auditor-General the authority to audit commonwealth partners under provisions set out in the act.
Secondly, the creative director of the 2013 centenary of Canberra celebrations, Ms Robyn Archer AO, provided delegates with a preview of the centenary of Canberra celebrations. This included a focus on the Canberra diaspora project.
To conclude, the meeting was productive and informative and would not have been possible without the efforts of many. On behalf of the committee, I take this opportunity to acknowledge and thank staff from the Committee Office, particularly Dr Andrea Cullen; Hansard, Communications and Library; Chamber Support; Strategy and Parliamentary Education; the Speaker’s and Clerk’s offices; the Australian National Audit Office; and the Chief Minister and Cabinet Directorate.
Corrections and Sentencing Legislation Amendment Bill 2012
Debate resumed from 10 May 2012, on motion by Dr Bourke:
That this bill be agreed to in principle.
MR HANSON (Molonglo) (11.58): The Canberra Liberals will be supporting this bill. It contains three elements. The first is minor amendments to facilitate the smooth running of the Sentence Administration Board. There are some clean-ups and some issues with clarity that are provided in this bill for the management of periodic detention. There is a streamlining of the detainee discipline process. I had a briefing
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