Page 2760 - Week 07 - Wednesday, 6 June 2012
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What has not happened is this: the Greens have not got the wherewithal and the guts to stand up to their colleagues—actually, stand up for the people of the ACT, stand up for their principles and the things that they claim to be dear to them—and support this bill today.
This bill should be supported today. It is not retrospective. It was never retrospective. It is a piece of legislation attempting to put a cap on those payments—a cap about which the Greens now just say, “The horse has bolted and we shouldn’t do anything about it.” The Greens will be known for what they are, for what they say and for how they act in this place when it comes to holding the government to account—something they very rarely do.
Question put:
That clause 1 be agreed to.
The Assembly voted—
Ayes 6 |
Noes 11 | ||
Mr Coe |
Mr Smyth |
Mr Barr |
Mr Hargreaves |
Mr Doszpot |
Dr Bourke |
Ms Hunter | |
Mrs Dunne |
Ms Bresnan |
Ms Le Couteur | |
Mr Hanson |
Ms Burch |
Ms Porter | |
Mr Seselja |
Mr Corbell |
Mr Rattenbury | |
Ms Gallagher |
Question so resolved in the negative.
Remainder of bill, by leave, taken as a whole and negatived.
Bill negatived.
Ordered that Notice No 6 be postponed until a later hour.
Crimes (Offences Against Police) Amendment Bill 2012
Debate resumed from 15 February 2012, on motion by Mr Seselja:
That this bill be agreed to in principle.
MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Attorney-General, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development) (5.06): The government will not be supporting this bill. The Crimes (Offences Against Police) Amendment Bill 2012 would create an aggravated penalty for 15 serious offences against the person to apply where the victim is a police officer. The bill makes the penalties for these aggravated offences up to 50 per cent higher than the current penalties for the basic offence.
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