Page 2634 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 5 June 2012

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That strategy will affirm our strong record in water and catchment management, which can be seen in projects such as the design and construction of urban wetlands in Canberra’s north, storm water harvesting that reduces our reliance on drinking water for irrigation and implementation of water sensitive measures in developments across the city. A refresh of this strategy will not only work to improve our understanding and management of our own catchment areas. It will also support the government in fulfilling its obligations under the national water initiative agreed to by COAG.

The government will also continue with a range of other environmental management activities. A range of conservation, planning, research and mapping activities are being undertaken in collaboration with the New South Wales government to support a better understanding of ecological processes and the effects of management actions.

Soil and vegetation mapping and the data that it is providing is supporting ongoing natural resource management activities. The government is also continuing its range of programs for nature and biodiversity conservation, including research, ecological surveys, plans and management for our parks, reserves, monitoring of threatened species and communities, and building on our ecological connectivity, weeds and pest management programs.

The government will continue to participate in COAG activities on a number of environmental matters. All jurisdictions are working on an Australian native vegetation framework that will require jurisdictions to monitor the extent and condition of their vegetation. COAG is also working on better integration of state, territory and commonwealth environment protection regulation and, when agreed, these nationally consistent approaches will help inform the government’s opportunities to expand and enhance current programs and policy outcomes.

The government looks forward to continuing to produce strong environmental outcomes for its community and to working with the commissioner in implementing the recommendations of the report. I commend the response to the Assembly.


Mr Corbell presented the following papers:

Public Accounts—Standing Committee—Inquiry—Auditor-General’s Report 3/2011—The North Weston Pond Project—Government submission.

Subordinate legislation (including explanatory statements unless otherwise stated)

Legislation Act, pursuant to section 64—

Animal Welfare Act—Animal Welfare Advisory Committee Appointment 2012 (No 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2012-74 (LR, 17 May 2012).

Blood Donation (Transmittable Diseases) Act—Blood Donation (Transmittable Diseases) Blood Donor Form 2012 (No. 1)—Disallowable Instrument DI2012-68 (LR, 7 May 2012).

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