Page 2619 - Week 07 - Tuesday, 5 June 2012

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We are committed to creating an environment in which the private sector can thrive, and we are committed to market-based policies and actions to broaden employment, business activity, growth and investment.

These things are at the core of the Government’s recent business development strategy—jobs, growth and diversification.

Today’s Budget backs this strategy with more than $20 million over the next four years.

This funding will further support NICTA, Australia’s centre for excellence in information and communication technology, and expand our grants programs to businesses, including establishing a new stream of grants for clean-tech and sustainability oriented companies needing support to get started here in Canberra.

Importantly, the Business Development Strategy supports a better dialogue between the government and business, including the establishment of a red tape reduction taskforce that I will chair.

In addition to the new funding is the $30.1 million the Government is investing in cutting payroll tax—a major incentive for businesses in Canberra to grow and for businesses to establish themselves in Canberra.

One of the most substantial ways we are supporting our economy is through our $900 million capital works program.

The capital program in the Budget contains over $43 million for enhancing hospital facilities, over $20 million for emergency station upgrades and relocations—

Mr Hanson interjecting—

MR SPEAKER: Mr Barr, one moment, please. I am sorry to interrupt you. Members, I think the dignity of the Assembly will be enhanced if we can hear the budget speech and the budget reply speeches in silence. I note, Mr Hanson, that you are on a warning from the Deputy Speaker this morning. My patience is tiring on this. I think this is an occasion where the Assembly can rise above this. Treasurer, you have the floor to continue.

MR BARR: The capital program in the Budget contains over $43 million for enhancing hospital facilities, over $20 million for emergency station upgrades and relocations, road works in Gungahlin, Molonglo and North Weston, and upgrades to schools and the Canberra Theatre Centre.

This is an investment in the community and an investment in local jobs, local people and local businesses.

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