Page 2511 - Week 06 - Thursday, 10 May 2012

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13 relating to non-compliance with the Smoke Free Public Places Act 2003

15 issued for non-compliance with the Security Industry Act 2003

One (1) issued for non-compliance with the Sale of Motor Vehicles Act 1977

29 issued against a number of other regulated industries.

During the last financial year, WorkSafe ACT issued 16 infringement notices for workplace safety and a further 11 infringement notices were issued in regard to workers compensation.

During the last financial year Road Transport issued 6,697 traffic infringement notices and 94,601 parking infringement notices.

(8) During the last financial year 162 summonses were issued in relation to parking infringements. Of these matters, 68 proceeded to Hearings in the ACT Magistrates Court.

During the last financial year WorkSafe ACT issued five summonses in relation to breaches in the construction and manufacturing industries.

(9) The total amount generated by ORS infringement notices was $9,102,958. On 17 May 2011 the ORS assumed responsibility of Road User Services. From that date to the end of the financial year $2,004,877 was generated in traffic infringement fines.

(10) The ORS works on an operational strategy that combines the use of data analysis, intelligence and external reporting to identify emerging concerns. Operational activities are prioritised to enable the ORS to concentrate on engagement, education and enforcement in a proactive manner whilst maintaining the capacity for reactive response when required.

(11) Refer to answer (10).

(12) Operational activities are prioritised to enable the ORS to concentrate on engagement, education and enforcement in a proactive manner whilst maintaining the capacity for reactive response when required.

Attachment A

Legislation the Office of Regulatory Services currently monitors or regulates


Adoption Act 1993


Adoption Regulation 1993


Agents Act 2003


Agents Regulation 2003


Annual Leave Act 1973


Associations Incorporation Act 1991


Associations Incorporation Regulation 1991


Australian Road Rules


Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act 1997


Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulation 1997


Boilers and Pressure Vessels Regulation 1954


Business Names Act 1963


Business Names Regulation 1966

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