Page 2456 - Week 06 - Thursday, 10 May 2012

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leave: I move amendments Nos 13 and 14 circulated in my name together [see schedule 4 at page 2471].

Amendment 13 removes a redundant reference to an associated entity in section 216A(1). Associated entities are already included in the definitions of the various groupings referred to in subsection (1). Section 216A provides for regular disclosure of gifts received and subsection (1) lists those to whom the section applies. As it is currently drafted, section 216A(1) duplicates the reporting requirements with respect to an associated entity. Associated entities are included in the party grouping at (1)(a) and with a non-party MLA at (1)(b). If paragraph (1)(e) is left to stand as is, gifts received by relevant associated entities would be reported twice, once by the associated entity and again by the party grouping or non-group party MLA, respectively. This is clearly undesirable.

In relation to amendment 14, new section 216A(6) provides for the relevant period for the regular disclosure of gifts. Paragraph (b) contains a drafting error, and the wording of paragraphs (b) and (c) can be expressed more concisely. Accordingly, paragraphs (b) and (c) are substituted with a clearer definition for the relevant period for reporting by non-party candidates and non-party prospective candidates. The effect of amendment clause (6) does not alter the intent of the original amendment of the amendment bill.

Amendments agreed to.

Clause 26, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 27 to 35, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Clause 36 agreed to.

Clauses 37 to 56, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Clause 57.

MR CORBELL (Molonglo—Attorney-General, Minister for Police and Emergency Services and Minister for the Environment and Sustainable Development) (10.52): I move amendment No 15 circulated in my name [see schedule 4 at page 2471].

New section 236 of the amendment bill, which relates to offences, has omitted existing section 236(2) of the Electoral Act, which provides for the offence of submitting an incomplete return and the offence of failing to keep records in accordance with section 239. This was an inadvertent omission in the drafting of the new section. The effect of this amendment will be to retain existing offences of the current Electoral Act.

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 57, as amended, agreed to.

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