Page 2447 - Week 06 - Thursday, 10 May 2012

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Mr Corbell: It is an imputation on my party and me and my colleagues and it is unparliamentary.

MR SMYTH: No, it is not.

Mr Corbell: He should be asked to withdraw the term.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, I think it is unparliamentary, Mr Smyth. I would ask you to withdraw the term unless you intend to move—

MR SMYTH: Under what standing order is it unparliamentary, Mr Speaker?

MR SPEAKER: I am just checking my numbers, Mr Smyth, because I know that—

MR SMYTH: I would be very pleased if you do and you will find that the standing order refers to an imputation against a member.

Mr Corbell: That is what it was.

MR SMYTH: It was not. I did not mention a member.

Mr Corbell: You did not have to use my name.

MR SMYTH: You name the member that I named. Are you feeling guilty, Simon?

MR SPEAKER: Order, members! I am considering—

Mr Corbell: You did not have to use my name to make the imputation.

MR SMYTH: Feeling a bit guilty there, are we?

MR SPEAKER: It is under standing order 55, Mr Smyth.

MR SMYTH: I think it is a very interesting interpretation of standing order 55. I will withdraw, Mr Speaker.

The facts stand that somewhere between the passing of my bill in principle and the close of business on 30 June, this scheme was cooked up to transfer the money, because it is in the annual report of the Labor Club. Nobody knew about it. Not a single soul knew about this scheme. It was not even thought of, apparently; that is what we are asked to believe on the basis of the statements by the Chief Minister and Minister Corbell in this place on the 29th: “It did not happen, it was not going to happen, it isn’t happening.” But apparently it was. Well, it happened at some stage because we know the money went across. We know it must have happened, because Mr Corbell would not lie to the Assembly; the Chief Minister would not lie to the Assembly to say that this was not happening. So it happened in the 36 hours after the bill was passed. That is pretty quick. Does anybody really believe that fantasy, that concoction?

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