Page 2398 - Week 06 - Thursday, 10 May 2012

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emissions reduction to the community in a range of office and non-office facilities, the government can inspire and motivate the community to engage in similar actions in their daily lives. The ACT government is committed to sharing the lessons learnt with the community, which will build knowledge and understanding and should lead to better practice in reducing emissions.

In order for the ACT to claim carbon neutrality, a more accurate monitoring and reporting of energy use and emissions will be required. The ACT government is already well underway with this. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation and continuous improvement is the core of this government’s commitment to improving productivity, reducing our resource consumption and costs and cutting our emissions.

Minister Corbell mentioned the government’s investment in a sustainable data management system. The SDMS will improve the quality and timeliness of data available to property managers across government. The system will allow for the government to evaluate the savings achieved from energy or water saving initiatives and target activities to the greatest areas of opportunity. This shows the commitment by government to evaluation of the performance of its climate change initiatives. This is a best-practice approach. It is as good as it gets in data monitoring, and the ACT will be at the forefront.

The weathering the change draft action plan 2 was released for public consultation on 5 December 2011. The options paper presented examples of five pathways for meeting an emissions reduction target of 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 to stimulate community discussion around the range of options available. Each pathway was accompanied by costs and benefits providing the community with unprecedented transparency and capacity for informing input into the government’s policy development processes. The consultation period closed on 2 March 2012.

The consultation process was supplemented by written comments to the time to talk website, and there were also shopping centre stalls at Dickson, Jamison and Erindale and a world cafe and technical workshop were undertaken. A summary of the outcomes from the consultation on the draft action plan is available on the directorate’s website.

The government is now working to finalise action plan 2, incorporating community views where possible and undertaking the complementary disciplined policy development work required for implementation. Action plan 2 will include review points and key performance indicators for each action and, more importantly, review points and KPIs that add value, have meaning and help the government and the community to learn and adapt over time. Having set review points will allow actions to be updated with the latest science and technology.

The ACT government has always recognised the importance of evaluating the ACT’s performance in delivering our climate change initiatives and has already adopted a best-practice approach.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): It appears the discussion is concluded.

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