Page 2369 - Week 06 - Thursday, 10 May 2012
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MS BURCH: I did use that quote to underline the benefits of public art to the community. I do not think anyone needs research to understand that public art brings a benefit to the amenity and the benefits of the community, both in built form and in social form. In fact, I am sure that is what Mr Seselja did when he opened the public art at the Village Building Co compound in north Canberra.
MR SPEAKER: Supplementary question, Mr Seselja.
MR SESELJA: Minister, how much will land values go up in Kambah as a result of the new bogong moth on Drakeford Drive?
MS BURCH: If Mr Seselja was listening to that answer he would be clear that I have said no amount of research that will underpin the value of public art across the broader community. Socially, in terms of amenity—
Opposition members interjecting—
MS BURCH: If you want to bring that argument to say because people like public art, and I used a quote out of the Canberra Times, and you want to drag that across to increasing property prices, that is the most ridiculous—
Opposition members interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Order, members! Minister Burch, address your remarks through the chair, thank you.
MS BURCH: Pardon me?
MR SPEAKER: Address your remarks through the chair, thank you.
MS BURCH: I will, Mr Speaker. I made reference to an article that supported a view of support for public art. Those opposite do not support public art. In fact, Mrs Dunne is calling for the end of a project that ended a number of years ago. We have Mr Hanson saying, “Ban all public art.” Mr Seselja now is coming in with this sort of weird line to say that because they have made reference to somebody supporting public art, and his views—
Mr Smyth: You quoted it to support your argument.
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, Mr Smyth.
MS BURCH: Because that argument is around supporting public art. If Mr Seselja is trying to join the dots between that and property values, did he ask the question when he opened that public art on behalf of the Village Building Company: will this unveiling by my hands impact those families?
MR HARGREAVES: A supplementary.
MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mr Hargreaves.
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