Page 2230 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 9 May 2012
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MR SPEAKER: Mr Hargreaves, the question.
MR HARGREAVES: I address my question to the Treasurer. Treasurer, can you elaborate further on what aspects of the federal budget will impact on the ACT community, having received enough information on community parks already?
MR BARR: I thank Mr Hargreaves for his question. The Chief Minister has discussed at some length the impacts in relation to the Australian public service. I do note, much to the discomfort of those opposite, that their man, Mr Hockey, was fairly clear in his position on the 7.30 report straight after the budget last night in relation to future intentions for public sector employment. The reason that Mr Hockey had to be so clear-cut on his position in relation to further public sector cuts—
Opposition members interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Order! Minister Barr, I do not recall the question being about Mr Hockey’s position, thank you.
MR BARR: Of course the point is that, given the policy commitments in relation to the abolition of the mining tax and the carbon tax, the federal opposition have to dig deeper into public sector cuts. In the context of the implications for—
Mr Hanson: A point of order.
MR SPEAKER: Stop the clocks, thank you.
Mr Hanson: The minister is clearly out of order. You have noted that to the minister. He is ignoring your ruling. This is a question about the federal budget, not speculation about what a federal Liberal government in the future may or may not do. I would ask that you call the minister to order.
MR SPEAKER: Minister Barr, let us focus on the question that Mr Hargreaves put to you, thank you.
MR BARR: In relation to the GST pool, the commonwealth have advised a reduction in the GST pool over the forward estimates period of approximately $13½ billion. The impact of that in relation to the territory’s share of GST revenue sees a write-down of $176.7 million in revenues, which has the impact of effectively reversing the entire gain that the territory had in its relativity. So whilst we get a greater share of the GST pool, the total GST pool has shrunk. Therefore the territory will not be receiving additional revenue.
In relation to the schoolkids bonus announced by the commonwealth government, approximately 20,000 Canberra households will benefit from that particular payment—$820 for every child in high school and $410 for every child in primary school. That will be a welcome boost to those 20,000 Canberra families. One would hope that that initiative would be supported by all in this chamber, given the constant focus that we have on the need to provide more assistance to those low and middle
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