Page 2225 - Week 06 - Wednesday, 9 May 2012

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MS GALLAGHER: In terms of the cost, I will have to take that on notice. In terms of the implementation of the traffic calming measures, they have been welcomed by some, but others who were using that as a transport corridor have complained. Indeed, I have had a number of complaints, none from Spofforth Street, I would say, that I can recall—

Mr Coe: There is one.

MS GALLAGHER: There may have been one, but I will check that if it has come through. It was probably through you, Mr Coe. As a result of those representations to my office and through other members I brought forward the implementation review of those traffic calming measures, which is underway now. All of those issues of looking at where traffic would go are part of the detailed report that goes into making these decisions. I have been advised that the traffic study that has been requested by the Assembly for Fadden could and should take about nine months. It is thorough. That is the standard; I am not saying that it is any longer for Fadden.

There are a number of traffic studies underway in other parts of the city, and my understanding is that that is the average time for doing that work. So it is very detailed, and there are experts that look into all of these matters. But it is right that we review the implementation, particularly when we have had a lot of representations from people who are unhappy about the result.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Coe, a supplementary question.

MR COE: Minister, why has the ACT government failed on so many occasions to comply with Australian standard 1742.4 related to road signage?

MS GALLAGHER: I do not pretend to know what the 1724 road standard sign is, but I am happy to take further advice on that. There is a piece of work underway. We have, I understand, some very frequent representations about road signage. In fact, I think there is a dedicated website on it that looks at signage, particularly speed signs around Canberra, and provides that feedback to TAMS.

I will say that TAMS are very responsive to try and address concerns where they are raised, to learn and to improve their service in this area. That does not mean you are not going to make mistakes, but it does mean that the service are aware and looking to improve the service they provide to the community and that, when issues are raised and concerns are raised, they are responded to in a quick and timely fashion.

MRS DUNNE: A supplementary question, Mr Speaker.

MR SPEAKER: Yes, Mrs Dunne.

MRS DUNNE: Minister, why has the government stalled plans to upgrade road safety measures at the intersection of Southern Cross Drive with various cross-streets in west Belconnen?

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