Page 2103 - Week 06 - Tuesday, 8 May 2012

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MS BRESNAN (Brindabella) (11.44): I move amendment No 1 circulated in my name [see schedule 2 at page 2161].

This amendment sets a start date for the security industry’s new portable long service leave scheme at 1 October 2012. This is the beginning of the second quarter of the financial year, which is an appropriate time to begin the scheme. Currently, the legislation does not set a start date for the scheme, although as the minister has indicated in his speech he intends to set one by commencement notice once the in-principle scheme is passed. This start date for the scheme will be 1 January 2013.

The Greens believe that it is realistic and appropriate to begin the scheme earlier, in October. We are concerned that any delay beyond this is unnecessary. I have seen a proposed timetable for introduction which is out to 1 January 2013 and I believe this timetable could be expedited. For example, some of the items on this time line could be done in parallel. The months of November and December are dedicated entirely to continued awareness raising and final reminder press advertising.

It is also my understanding that for several years now the government has promised the security industry that a portable long service leave scheme would commence by 1 July 2012. It seems that date can now not be met. However, I cannot see why we could not reasonably meet a start date of 1 October 2012. I do acknowledge the resolution that was passed at the May Day rally that the scheme start on 1 July 2012.

I will read one further letter from a security guard about the need to start this scheme as soon as possible. He writes:

It is extremely important the ACT government ensure the commencement is the 1/7/2012.

Obviously, I note that this now will not be the case. He continues:

This will demonstrate to ACT security guards and their families and friends the ACT government believe and demonstrate they believe in a fair go for low paid workers.

And in another letter:

You can’t change this industry overnight. However, you can make a positive difference by ensuring the implementation of Portable Long Service Leave on 01 July 2012 for us.

We have the experience, we are these company’s assets, we perform the work and fulfil their contractual obligations and in return we have nothing but struggle and wage suppression. Each time the government provides a glimpse of a positive change for us common employees in this security industry it somehow gets pushed further and further back by those we work for crying poor.

In conclusion the Greens believe that this portable long service leave scheme is a very important entitlement for workers. It should begin as soon as possible and with a guaranteed date. We believe that date is 1 October 2012, the second quarter of the financial year. I would urge the government to support this.

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