Page 1846 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 2 May 2012

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MR SESELJA: I am happy to table the document when I am finished with it. I will table it when I am finished with it. When I am finished referring to it, I will table it. I have not finished. As soon as I am done quoting from it—


MR SESELJA: I will then table it.And there will still be some time in my speech to go.

MR SPEAKER: Mr Seselja, that will be fine.

MR SESELJA: Thank you.

MR ASSISSTANT SPEAKER: Thank you very much. Resume the clock.

MR SESELJA: Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker. This is what the Chief Minister voted for at the Labor Party conference:

The growth of private education is facilitating the fragmentation of Australia’s children along ethnic, cultural and particularly religious lines.

This was quoted in a press release from Mrs Dunne, but I am happy to table the press release because it is on public record. I seek leave to table it now.

MR SPEAKER: You do not need leave, Mr Seselja, I do not think. You have agreed already to table it, so thank you.

MR SESELJA: I table the following paper:

Non-government schools—Funding—Copy of press release by Mrs Dunne, dated 31 July 2006.

That is what the Labor Party thinks about non-government schools and about Catholic schools as part of that non-government sector. They believe they are divisive. We do not believe they are divisive. We believe that parents should be able to make those choices. They should be supported in those choices.

We heard the Greens’ position during the last federal election. They are hostile, not only in terms of funding but in terms of control. The Greens have gone even further than the Labor left in saying that control should be taken away from non-government schools in actually running their schools as they see fit, which would completely undermine the Catholic sector and the independent sector.

Mr Speaker, we have a situation where the Labor Party and the Greens have staked out the agreement. I think it would be good if they were honest. I think it would be good if, when they go to these events, they were honest about their position. They do not support extra funding and that is why the Labor Party has given such a poor level

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