Page 1671 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 1 May 2012

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desperate attempt that has been stitched up in this secret meeting to restrict the terms of reference to provide political cover so that the full truth does not come out to the community.

I will respond to Mr Rattenbury’s odd little attack for eight minutes on why we brought out the Calvary email. It is certainly an email that I received—and I receive a number of emails. In fact, I have received numerous emails as a result of the coverage of this issue from people who have waited in the emergency department. I got one this morning that was very disturbing about the treatment someone had received in the emergency department. Let us be very clear: in the context of serious allegations made about the falsification of data, we need to make sure we provide assurance to the community that all of the data that we have been presented with is accurate. When I asked the director-general about what data has been corrupted, she was unable to tell me the extent of it. So let us have a look at all the data.

My understanding is that the Chief Minister in her request to the Auditor-General is wanting her to look at all the data put out by both the Canberra Hospital and Calvary. I am not sure what I am asking for is actually inconsistent in terms of the data aspect of this to what the Chief Minister is asking for.

We will not be supporting these amendments, because they are a clear attempt by the Greens and the Labor Party to restrict the terms of reference so that it is simply a look at data rather than a look at the issue of honesty—the fact that people waiting in our emergency departments longer than anywhere else in this nation have been lied to by the Chief Minister.

Question put:

That Ms Bresnan’s amendment to Ms Gallagher’s amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 10

Noes 5

Mr Barr

Ms Gallagher

Mr Coe

Mr Smyth

Dr Bourke

Ms Hunter

Mr Doszpot

Ms Bresnan

Ms Le Couteur

Mr Hanson

Ms Burch

Ms Porter

Mr Seselja

Mr Corbell

Mr Rattenbury

Question so resolved in the affirmative.

Question put:

That Ms Gallagher’s amendment, as amended, be agreed to.

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