Page 1644 - Week 05 - Tuesday, 1 May 2012

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(b) ensure that the persons appointed to the board are independent of The Canberra Hospital and of the ACT Health Directorate;

(c) appoint the board of inquiry by 15 May 2012 and require the board to report by 13 August 2012;

(d) provide a copy of the board’s report to Members of the Legislative Assembly immediately upon completion of its inquiry; and

(e) issue the board of inquiry with the following terms of reference that state that the board is to investigate and report on the falsification of emergency department results at The Canberra Hospital, including:

(i) what results were falsified and over what period;

(ii) who was involved in the falsification of the data;

(iii) the reasons why the results were falsified;

(iv) what process led to the identification that emergency department results were being falsified;

(v) any political influence direct or indirect applied on the person or persons who falsified the data;

(vi) any conflict of interest with Katy Gallagher and/or her family that contributed to the falsification of the data;

(vii) when the Health Directorate and Minister first became aware of the falsification of the data;

(viii) the appropriateness of the actions taken by the Health Directorate and the Minister;

(ix) any cultural issues within the Health Directorate that may have contributed to the falsification of the data;

(x) any breakdown in procedures within the Health Directorate that may have contributed to the falsification of the data;

(xi) any implications for ACT and Commonwealth funding agreements;

(xii) any attempted or actual fraudulent activity;

(xiii) the accuracy of other publicly reported public hospital data, including data from Calvary Public Hospital; and

(xiv) any other relevant matter that may arise in the course of the board of inquiry; and

(3) calls on the Assembly to censure Katy Gallagher for repeatedly misleading the Assembly by presenting false emergency department results that have been deliberately manipulated in order to look better and her ministerial

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