Page 1613 - Week 04 - Thursday, 29 March 2012

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The Advocacy Section of the Public Advocate’s Office has responsibility for monitoring care and protection services for children and young people, youth justice, forensic and mental health advocacy, and disability advocacy. All requests for individual advocacy are closely reviewed to ensure the Public Advocate only accepts referrals where this is clearly indicated and a Public Advocacy response is required.

The Public Advocate must refer systemic matters relating to people with a disability and children and young people to the Human Rights Commission for consideration.

6) Requests for individual advocacy are reviewed and the complexity of the matter and presenting issues are considered and if a response from the Public Advocate is necessary or the matter is more appropriate for referral to a community advocacy service. If there has been previous involvement of the Public Advocate, whether the matter is before a court or tribunal, and the needs, vulnerability and best interests of the individual client warrant the reinvolvement of the Public Advocate.

7) The question is taken to refer to work that falls within the responsibilities of the Public Advocate, but is “above and beyond” the minimum service required.

The Public Advocate advises me that she has developed close working relationships with agencies such as the Public Trustee of the ACT. Often, when the Public Advocate is appointed guardian for a person in our community for formal substitute decision/s; the Public Trustee has been jointly appointed to manage the finances and property of the person.

Where other government or non-government agencies are involved with our clients, (for example Disability Services), the Public Advocate works closely with these services to facilitate service provision in the best interests of its clients. The Public Advocate has developed effective working relationships with these agencies with particular focus on those who provide direct services to our vulnerable clients. These agencies are of great support to the Public Advocate in responding to requests on behalf of its clients.

8) The Public Advocate Act 2005 enables the Public Advocate, in acting as advocate for the rights of people with a disability and for children and young people, to undertake the following: fostering the provision of services and facilitates, supporting the establishment of organisations that support people with a disability and children or young people, and promoting the protection of vulnerable people from abuse and exploitation.

Through guardianship and advocacy services, the Public Advocate obtains evidence of the systemic issues and gaps in service provision which exist. The Office therefore is well placed to provide policy advice to government on matters relating to vulnerable people in the Territory.

The Public Advocate provides advice to government which assists in developing policy.

9) Despite acting as advocate for the rights and best interests of people with a disability and for children and young people, the Public Advocate always welcomes an approach to be involved in policy implementation committees or steering groups.

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