Page 1459 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 28 March 2012

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As the father of two boys living in Weston Creek, I understand the need for childcare services in that area. My son Robbie was in childcare in Weston Creek for about three or four years. I can sympathise with those families struggling to get their children into a centre and struggling to meet the high cost of placing them there. There is no doubt that more childcare options are needed in the Weston Creek area. I have spoken frequently in this Assembly about the growing pressure on Weston Creek services. The Canberra Liberals successfully called for a master plan for Weston Creek, a sign that we are listening to constituents in that area and to their concerns.

The new developments in the Molonglo valley will increase the demand for existing community services. The need for childcare options in the area will only get worse as more families move into the development. However, this community need should be viewed as an opportunity, not as a black hole to throw ACT taxpayers’ money into.

The ACT Labor childcare centre model as funded in the 2011-12 budget is a potentially inefficient use of taxpayers’ money. Based on their record, it is unlikely to be completed for a long time into the future.

Ms Burch interjecting—


Ms Burch interjecting—

MR HANSON: Again, we see more snide comments coming across the floor from the minister. Even though she has been warned by you, Madam Deputy Speaker, she continues to interject.

If we look at ACT Labor’s other infrastructure projects, we can predict how this centre is likely to go. If it is anything like the Canberra Hospital car park, we can expect the cost of the centre to blow out to over $10 million and be delivered some time in 2015. If it is anything like the secure mental health facility, we can expect the cost of the centre to blow out to over $20 million and never be delivered. You could use any number of examples to extrapolate what the cost of this centre would be—the Cotter Dam, the GDE or the ACT prison, perhaps. It is clear that the ACT Labor government cannot be trusted to deliver infrastructure projects either on time or on budget. It is unlikely that the Holder childcare centre will be any different.

The government has allocated $7.5 million to the development of this centre, which will have up to 125 places. Recently the Harrison childcare centre was completed by a not-for-profit with 108 places. This centre cost $3.5 million to build. There is clearly a large disparity between the value for money the government’s centre will provide and the value for money the Harrison centre provides. The $7.5 million is also on top of the fact that the land on Dixon Drive, Holder is a valuable asset in itself. If the government had sold the land, ACT taxpayers would have gained much needed revenue from this.

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