Page 1439 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 28 March 2012

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I think I may nearly be able to stop talking now because it appears they might have reached a conclusion. What we all now recognise is that there is a significant amount riding on the outcome of the COAG meeting on 13 April, and we will be in a better position to assess where to from here once that information is available. Certainly, the Chief Minister and senior officials will be present at that COAG meeting, and we very much look forward to the discussion that will ensue and the possibilities that presents for vocational education and training and higher education in the ACT.

MR DOSZPOT (Brindabella) (3.43): I seek leave to withdraw my current amendment.

Leave granted.

Amendment withdrawn.

MR DOSZPOT: I seek leave to move a new amendment.

Leave granted.


In subparagraph (2)(a), after “CIT”, insert the following words: “including, but not limited to, the financial implications of all options for both institutions and the ACT Government”.

The new amendment is as per the previous one except that point (i) now reads “the financial implications of all options for both institutions and the ACT government” and point (ii) is deleted.

MS HUNTER (Ginninderra—Parliamentary Leader, ACT Greens) (3.44): We did a bit of quick work on our feet to sort through it and to do a bit of an amendment there. What Mr Doszpot has put forward is this. He has been concerned about the financial implications of all of this since, as he said, way back in August last year. In the original motion, I think, that was one of the reasons why I did some amendments to broaden it out. But yes; the financial implications for both of the institutions and any financial implications for the ACT government of course are important, and we need to be very clear about what those are.

I had also broadened it out to be, yes, financial, but also about the quality of the education that we are providing to students. The quality is obviously going to dictate how many students we have and also very much is tied into building that reputation as a centre for excellence in education. There is also the impact on staff. That is very much where a lot of the angst is coming from at the moment: what does this all mean for those who work for the University of Canberra and the CIT?

We will be supporting Mr Doszpot’s amendment. I thank him for amending his amendment. Just to add a little bit more clarity, let me talk about what Mr Doszpot has here. Part of this motion, part of the information provided, is about the financial

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