Page 1432 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 28 March 2012

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If CIT is to become a part of us, then the polytechnic is that space where the overlap between the two institutions is filled.

Indeed, the University of Canberra has steamed ahead in deciding the Parker polytechnic will be the new UC-CIT. But have they put the cart before the horse? The University of Canberra has a polytechnic website. That website was saying in February and was still saying late last week:

The recently announced University of Canberra Polytechnic will now develop into a significantly strengthened educational institution called the University of Canberra Institute of Technology.

Collaboration between the ACT Government and the Canberra Institute of Technology has led to an agreement to strengthen the ideas underpinning the polytechnic.

The UC CIT will be located on the University’s Bruce Campus. Foundation courses for the UC CIT will be offered through the University of Canberra College in 2012.

That was what the website was saying last week. I think Ms Hunter touched upon this as well.

But try to look at the website today. It appears to have suddenly become password protected and unavailable. Are they not being a little premature, particularly in light of the comments made by the current education minister in the Assembly yesterday? Minister Bourke said the polytechnic was a matter for the University of Canberra, but the University of Canberra says the polytechnic is the new UC-CIT.

Minister Bourke says the new institution is subject to discussion between the University of Canberra, CIT and the federal government. He says financial modelling was the subject of questions last year and we should look at those. But the last minister did not answer any questions on financial modelling. And that was our concern then. Professor Bradley had done no financial modelling and we wanted to know who had. We still do not know and we need to be concerned if the current minister does not know either, or even if he knows whether he has met with Professor Bradley, which seems such a simple question to answer. But that was required to be taken on notice. I am absolutely astounded that we still cannot get an answer as to whether he has met with Professor Bradley.

Minister Bourke seems to think it is a matter for the two institutions and the federal government, not the ACT government. That is interesting. Does anyone else get the impression that not only those on the crossbenches and the opposition benches are not sufficiently informed but, glaringly and even alarmingly, the ACT education minister seems to have even less information at his disposal?

We have had no formal advice, as promised by the former education minister, and we have seen no financial modelling. And yet we have the University of Canberra obviously believing it has the money, the plan and the approval for a new institution

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