Page 1328 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 27 March 2012

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just to name a few of these members. So to consider that there is not a platform for open and candid conversation really does that group an absolute disservice.

While the government and the community sector have distinct roles, they are complementary, and this government has built a strong relationship based on common goals and a strong commitment to making Canberra a better place. Each year the government invests over $300 million in community organisations to deliver important services and build healthy and stronger communities.

I will just provide some examples of this collaboration between government and the community sector. One such example is the ACT government’s investment of $30 million in developing our regional community hubs at Chifley, Cook, Holt and Weston and the two neighbourhood halls at Bonython and Griffith. These community hubs provide accommodation for over 40 community sector groups. The Community Services Directorate has also some 80 community facilities from neighbourhood halls, community houses to childcare centres and community centres, such as the Belconnen community centre and the Griffin Centre.

Facilities such as these are important in building the social capital of our community. This is why the directorate maintains these facilities for use by all in the Canberra community seeking to have a venue in which to meet and celebrate and gather as a community. The ACT government have also invested in upgrades in the community facilities, such as the $9 million we invested in 2011-12 for the expansion of childcare places. As members will appreciate, many of these centres are run by not-for-profit community organisations whose sole aim is to provide high quality services to their communities.

This government is also funding the development of new community facilities. We identified $7.5 million to construct the new centre at Holder. In addition, we have invested a further $1.5 million in the Mura Lanyon youth and community centre, which will allow improved services to be provided to the residents of Lanyon and Tuggeranong. The ACT government also provides concessional leases to help enable core community and social facilities that benefit the community. We recognise that community sector viability is critical to ensuring we have a vibrant and sustained community sector here for all of us to benefit from.

There are other ways that this government supports the community sector. Again, as members will appreciate, the ACT community sector operates in a complex industrial climate with a range of awards regulated by both federal and ACT legislation. Navigating this environment can be difficult for small community organisations, which is why the government is funding an industrial relations advisory service, run in partnership by the ACT Council of Social Service and Jobs Australia.

This service makes it easier for those involved in the sector by improving education for employers and employees and promoting awareness of industrial rights and responsibilities for organisations and their staff. The service includes a 1800 toll free number providing industrial relations advice to the sector, web-based resources and email circulars with IR news, face-to-face advice sessions and a consultancy service for employers.

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