Page 1228 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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(5) How many head leases are there currently at Northbourne flats.

(6) How many of the dwellings at Northbourne flats are currently (a) occupied and (b) empty.

(7) How many people are currently living at Northbourne flats.

(8) Does the ACT Government know what proportion of current tenants wish to stay at the Northbourne flats site after it is redeveloped; if so, what is that percentage.

(9) How many of the dwellings at Northbourne flats were (a) occupied and (b) empty approximately one year ago.

(10) How many people were living at Northbourne flats approximately one year ago.

(11) How many tenants have lived at Northbourne flats for more than (a) 30, (b) 20, (c) 10 and (d) 5 years.

(12) Does the ACT Government currently provide for a tenant’s relocation and reconnection costs if they move from Northbourne flats to another public housing dwelling.

(13) Does the ACT Government intend to provide for a tenant’s relocation and reconnection costs if they move from Northbourne flats to another public housing dwelling when the Northbourne flats are being closed for redevelopment.

(14) Does the ACT Government have any predictions about the level of capital funds needed through a future budget to ensure that after the Northbourne flats site is redeveloped there is no overall loss of public housing stock numbers; if so, what are those figures.

Ms Burch: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

(1) Housing and Community Services has been engaging with the tenants of Northbourne Flats about the potential redevelopment. The next meeting with the tenants is scheduled for 1 March 2012. Further meetings will be scheduled to ensure the tenants are aware of progress that is being made on the redevelopment.

(2) Copies of letters and a newsletter which have been sent to tenants of Northbourne Flats by Housing and Community Services are attached. The Community Services Directorate website ( has information on the redevelopment of Northbourne Flats. This is regularly updated.

(3) Housing and Community Services will be meeting regularly with tenants from Northbourne Flats to provide them with information about the redevelopment. Issues raised by the tenants will be considered and taken into account in the redevelopment.

(4) A design competition was undertaken by the Government to determine the preferred design for Northbourne Flats. The judging panel consisted of senior officers from ACT Government as well as people with extensive experience in architecture and the community sector.

(5) There are currently seven units head leased (both standard head lease and restricted head lease).

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