Page 1194 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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(9) What is the current condition of the Nolan Gallery at Lanyon.

(10) What is the intended future use of the Nolan Gallery at Lanyon.

(11) What is involved and what will it cost to refurbish the building for that purpose.

(12) In relation to the theatre retained earnings fund, page 21, what negotiations took place with ACT Treasury to enable the Corporation to establish a retained earnings fund.

(13) What impact will this fund have on the percentage cost to government per patron.

(14) In relation to the new lyric theatre, page 21, what is the status of the strategy to plan for a new lyric theatre.

(15) What is a new lyric theatre likely to cost.

(16) What changes would a lyric theatre mean for the Canberra Theatre in particular and the Canberra Theatre/Playhouse precinct in general.

(17) What are those consequential costs likely to be.

(18) In relation the CMAG, page 30, what has been the trend over the past few years in terms of visitor attendance at exhibitions and programs at CMAG.

(19) What assessment has the Corporation made as to this trend in future years.

(20) In relation to historic places, page 38, did the hours of opening of Lanyon, Calthorpe’s House and Mugga Mugga remain unchanged during 2010-11; if not, what changes were made and why.

(21) What have been the trends over recent years in terms of visitor numbers at these venues.

(22) What assessment has the Corporation made of future trends.

(23) In relation to whole of Corporation (financial outcomes), page 63, what efficiency dividend and other savings was the Corporation required to achieve in 2010-11 and were those targets achieved; if not, why not.

(24) Were these savings achieved in addition to the cost-cutting measures that were implemented to counter the downturn in theatre business during the year.

(25) In relation to staff learning and development, page 80, what was the total cost of staff learning and development, expressed as a percentage of total employee costs, for 2010-11.

(26) What is the Corporation’s goal in terms of this percentage relationship.

(27) When does the Corporation anticipate it will meet that goal.

(28) In relation to financial statements, Creditors and Accruals, page 185, why, at 30 June 2011, were payments totalling almost 10% of the Corporation’s creditors overdue by 30 days or more.

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