Page 1191 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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(3) As stated in the financial statements, all payables were current and within terms of trade as at 30 June 2011.

(4) The average time taken between the issuing of an invoice and the entry into the Oracle system is 18 days.

(5) In relation to performance against accountability Indicators, page 190, and Output 1.1, page 198, why was the water quality report (Accountability Indicator C) not delivered until June 2011 against a target of October 2010.

The reason for a delay in the drafting of the water report for 2009-2010 was that new data on water use and compliance was included in the report to align with a range of Commonwealth reporting formats. This water use and compliance data was not available in the same timeframe as the water quality data that the reporting timeframe has been based upon. A similar issue of data availability occurred with the 2011 report, although not to the same extent due to a greater understanding and a more streamline process to accommodate the new Commonwealth requirements. It is now evident that the target for the report needs to be revised because of the inclusion of data required for Commonwealth purposes.

(6) The Jerrabomberra Wetlands Plan of Management was released in 2010 as prepared by the Conservation Planning and Research Unit, which is now within ESDD. The Jerrabomberra Wetlands are managed in the Territory and Municipal Services Directorate (TAMSD). The Government has allocated over $2.1m over three years commencing 2010-11 to identify capital improvements that may be considered in future years. Currently a Draft Master Plan is in production and is expected to be made available for public comment in March 2012.

(7) The Scotch Thistle is identified in the ACT Weeds Strategy (2009-2019) as requiring control action at high priority sites throughout the ACT. At Jerrabomberra Wetlands the focus has been on areas of major infestation totalling an area of 6 to 10 hectares. Treatment has included physical removal for small areas around assets, and slashing and spraying of the remaining broad acre areas. As is the case with many weed species, eradication may be a long term target, whilst effective control is the short term aim.

(8) Jerrabomberra Wetland is recognised as one of the most valuable freshwater wetland habitats in the ACT and adjoining NSW region. A key deliverable in the management of the Wetlands is to provide recreational opportunities which are consistent with preserving the area’s natural and cultural values. Current facilities, including the existing walking track system and 5 bird hides are managed to a high standard and are recognised by local bird watchers as a premier viewing site in the ACT. The Draft Master Plan will also identify future options to enhance the visitor experience, including walking tracks, boardwalks and bird hides.

(9) The Natural Environment and Natural Resource Management Program teams, together with Conservation, Planning and Research are part of the Policy Division of ESDD. Rangers and other operational staff remain within TAMSD as they deliver a range of complementary land use management services within that Directorate.

(10) It is a requirement of the Funding Agreement with the Australian Government in relation to the Caring for our Country initiative that a performance and financial report is provided twice in each financial year of the program. The first report is to

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