Page 1186 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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The quantum cannot be definitively identified as it is dependent upon the mix of services that are delivered to clients and the amount of those services. As an indication however, Psychology fees represent approximately 30% of total fees paid to Approved Providers.

(8) Resources are allocated through the normal budgetary process.

(9) Discussions have commenced with both the AFP and DPP about establishing protocols with VSACT that will enhance the sharing of information. The Victims Advisory Board has agreed to oversee the development of these protocols.

10) The timing for the development of protocols between agencies is dependent upon a range of factors that are unique to each agency.

11) Each justice agency has its own database. Obtaining information for victims can be difficult as most of the databases operate on accused persons details.

12) The Victims of Crime Commissioner is an independent statutory office holder. He has not indicated to me that he does not have capacity to perform the role of the Domestic Violence Project Coordinator.

13) The Commissioner is primarily responsible for managing the administration and service delivery functions of VSACT, as well as the delivery of the Victims Services Scheme. Should the Commissioner feel that additional resources are required to perform the Domestic Violence Project Coordinator role, he has the opportunity to submit proposals for consideration as part of the normal budgetary process.

14) I have regular discussions with the Victims of Crime Commissioner in regards to access to services for victims. The appointment of the Commissioner in 2011, builds on the Government’s amalgamation of victim advocacy and support services within VSACT to ensure a ‘one-stop-shop’ for victims of crime.

15) Additional funding ($531,000 per annum ongoing and indexed) was provided to VSACT in 2007-08 to provide an expanded service delivery to victims of crime and improve the overall response to victims in the Criminal Justice System. Also additional ongoing funding was provided to VSACT as part of the Sexual Assault Reform program initiative in 2008-09.

16) The Government will consider the resourcing and funding needs of VSACT in the context of priorities across the broad range of ACT Government services.

17) The Victim Support database does not contain any mandatory fields and as a consequence, not all fields have been routinely completed. Following the last annual report, Victim Support ACT has put in place some steps to ensure better data collection. Please note also that clients do not always provide this information.

18) See answer for question 17.

19) Open tender process.

20) The panel has a limited number of Clinical Psychologists and no Psychiatrists. Clients in need of these services are referred to practitioners in private practice.

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