Page 1178 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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Action Plan. The report indicated that progress is running to plan and is available on the Commission’s website.

5. The Commission’s current resources dictate its current level of business. The Commission has raised concerns with Government, however, about growing complaint backlogs, failures to meet service standards, workplace health and safety, and an inability to undertake all of its statutory functions. The Commission has expressed the view that additional resources are required beyond the current financial year.

6. The Commission has advised that it is not distracted from its normal day-to-day business.

7. See answer to question 6.

8. See answer to question 6.

9. See answer to question 5. The Commission’s current discussions with Government about resources are Budget-in-Confidence.

10. The Commission’s efficiency dividend for 2010-11 was $28,000.

11. The Commission delivered on the dividend through foregoing expenditure in relation to supplies and services.

12. Not applicable.

13. Not applicable.

14. Neither the Commission, nor the Government, have undertaken this analysis at this stage.

15. The Commission does not understand this question.

16. See answer to question 15.

17. Recommendations are made only in relation to service complaints and not discrimination complaints (as discrimination matters may proceed to ACAT if not resolved through Commission processes).

Formal recommendations are registered in the Commission’s database and are followed up until implemented. In relation to less formal matters where suggestions are made, complainants will usually report back to the Commission if improvements have not been delivered, which will trigger further inquiry by the Commission. The Commission does not follow up on complaint outcomes in all cases, as resources are targeted at the most important matters.

18. The Commission is, in general, satisfied with the action taken in response to complaint outcomes and recommendations made by the various Commissioners.

19. See answer to question 18.

20. See answer to question 18.

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