Page 1157 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012

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city survey and report card on our first action plan to develop the next positive ageing plan once the current one expires in 2014.

There was a lot of good energy and a lot of interest in the expo that was held at the Old Bus Depot Markets today. There were 100-plus, I believe, stalls—a whole range of stalls from local community groups and support health groups, both federal government and ACT government alike. There was strong interest in the services and the programs that this community has to offer.

I want to congratulate COTA on the fabulous work they do in putting Seniors Week together each and every year. Mr Doszpot commented about it being somewhat conservative. Perhaps he can take that up with the great team at COTA, but I think it was a fantastic program. Certainly the auditorium at Vikings Club was absolutely chock-a-block yesterday to experience the wonderful music provided by the Royal Military College band from Duntroon.

COTA are asking in a very small, simple and straightforward survey what older Canberrans seek. I will be very interested to work with COTA once their survey comes back. They are asking older Canberrans to say what sort of programs and services they would like to see and what sort of changes they would like to see. I thank COTA for the work they do.

Also, I make comment on Mr Doszpot’s reference to Mr Hargreaves. I just find this a very hypocritical commentary from Mr Doszpot. He continues to make slurs and negative comments about Mr Hargreaves, who has stood in this chamber and apologised for his comment. Anyone who wants to go back to Hansard will see that the only one making jokes on that day was Mrs Dunne, who sought to move a motion to have time extended for Mr Hargreaves to continue. I cannot remember what her words were, but that came from the Canberra Liberals. They have been trying since then to continue to do this. I note Mr Doszpot was not at the meeting of the Tuggeranong Community Council where this matter was well and truly discussed. I know Ms Bresnan was there. The council had a very open and frank conversation about this. They expressed their disappointment with Mr Hargreaves. They accepted his apologies, and it really should be with some grace that Mr Doszpot does as well.

Mr Doszpot also made note of the great work that volunteers and community groups do in support of those people that are ageing and need support in Canberra. It made me reflect on the question in question time today from Ms Porter about volunteers. It made me reflect again that it was the Canberra Liberals who hypocritically put their hands in the pockets of the very organisations they say do such good jobs, and took from their pockets a grant of $10,000 that they then provided to their political volunteers. That is at the heart of hypocrisy. They have since paid that $10,000 back, which has been used for the purpose of its true intention—to support groups such as Uniting Care Kippax, Vinnie’s and the Salvation Army.

It is the absolute height of hypocrisy that the Canberra Liberals stand in this place and say, “We support organisations,” but at the same time pull $10,000 out of a grant that was there to support them. They did pay the money back, kicking and screaming, but not long after that they were caught wanting again by misusing Assembly resources

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