Page 1119 - Week 03 - Thursday, 22 March 2012
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costings in a press release. Indeed I will just remind members that it is me that has actually put legislation together to govern the arrangements around caretaker and election costings—not based on this but based on some of the problems—
Opposition members interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Thank you, members!
Opposition members interjecting—
MS GALLAGHER: that we had with the opposition in the last election. But indeed nothing I have seen—
Mr Hanson interjecting—
MR SPEAKER: Ms Gallagher, one moment, thank you. Members, you will have a chance to speak in this motion. I am tiring of interjections and I will start warning people shortly if we do not get a quieter debate.
MS GALLAGHER: On the surface of the material that has been tabled by Mr Smyth, it is merely asking to check some costings. It is not asking for the public service to write the policy or indeed comment on the policy; it was to check on some costings. As I understand it, that is not an unusual request, but I wait to see the other documents that may assist question time today.
I do not want to take up too much time with this. I think the Leader of the Opposition should just do the right thing and table the documents and then we will be in a position to have a mature discussion—not one where the Liberal Party choose to execute this as they see fit, dropping in and out bits of information that put me on the back foot where I am not in a position to be able to respond adequately.
MR SESELJA (Molonglo—Leader of the Opposition) (2.22): It is very difficult to agree to this motion because it is so broad. What the Chief Minister is now saying is that any document associated with question time will have to be tabled. I guess we could broaden that out and do it for the crossbench and the government, that every document that is brought down here in relation to question time should have to be tabled. It is ridiculous.
I am happy to table the email in relation to the questions that have been asked. But we will not be supporting a motion that calls on every opposition member to table every document associated with question time. We would then have to counter with a motion that the Greens and the Labor Party table every document.
That is our position on this motion. This motion cannot be supported but I am happy to table the relevant emails in relation to questions.
MR SMYTH (Brindabella) (2.23): I hope the Greens are reading this motion, because it means that they will now—if this is applied equally to the Greens, you will have to
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