Page 1073 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 2012

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Mrs Dunne: Yes.

MR SPEAKER: That being so, the question is that the Assembly agree to Ms Le Couteur’s amendment (2) stating:

In existing paragraph (2)(a), omit “convert to a barn-laid facility”, substitute “adopt alternative egg production methods”.

Amendment agreed to.

MR SPEAKER: The question now is that the remainder of Ms Le Couteur’s amendments be agreed to.

Question put:

That Ms Le Couteur’s amendments (1), (3) and (4) be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 4

Noes 13

Ms Bresnan

Mr Rattenbury

Mr Barr

Ms Gallagher

Ms Hunter

Dr Bourke

Mr Hanson

Ms Le Couteur

Ms Burch

Mr Hargreaves

Mr Coe

Ms Porter

Mr Corbell

Mr Seselja

Mr Doszpot

Mr Smyth

Mrs Dunne

Question so resolved in the negative.

Amendments negatived.

MRS DUNNE (Ginninderra) (5.29): Mr Speaker, I seek leave to move some of the amendments circulated in my name in relation to Ms Porter’s motion on Parkwood farm. I seek leave to move amendments (1), (2), (4) and (6), and I propose that we divide the question on each of those. Amendments (1) and (2) stand together, but (4) and (6) are slightly different and people may have different views.

MR SPEAKER: We will come to dividing the question later, Mrs Dunne. Is leave granted for Mrs Dunne to move these amendments together?

Leave granted.

MRS DUNNE: Thank you, members, for leave. I move:

(1) Before subparagraph (1)(a), insert:

“(aa) that during the night of 12-13 March 2012, it is alleged animal activists entered the premises of Parkwood Farm without authority and caused considerable damage to infrastructure and equipment at the premises;”.

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