Page 1053 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 21 March 2012

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requirements and project costs together with the benefits that support the investment of public funds.

The process is similar to the proposed upgrade of Ashley Drive in Tuggeranong, recently presented to the standing committee on public works. The need to upgrade the road was identified some years ago, and this project is now included on a construction program to commence later this year. We have now upgraded the Glenloch interchange and we have now called for those tenders to provide additional capacity on Parkes Way, and these construction works will relieve the pressure on William Hovell Drive.

The amendment to Mrs Dunne’s motion reflects that we have already done what Mrs Dunne is asking from the government. Carrying out daily vehicle counts is just one part of the research that we undertake when we plan for improving our road network to meet growing traffic. My amendment asks the Assembly to note that TAMS have already undertaken daily vehicle counts in a two-week period in November 2011 during both peak times and other times. I am able to table that information for members now. I table the following paper:

William Hovell Drive—Hourly detector loop counts for the William Hovell Dr/Bindubi St intersection, dated March 2012.

I am also, as outlined in my amendments, happy to provide further information, including an assessment of the delays experienced during peak times and that this information will be able to be provided to the Assembly in the first week of the May sitting period. I seek leave to move the amendments circulated in my name together.

Leave granted.


(1) Insert new subparagraphs (1)(c) and (d):

“(c) that the Government, through the Territory and Municipal Services (TAMS) Directorate, undertook daily vehicle counts on William Hovell Drive in the two week period, 7 to 18 November 2011, during peak time and other times; and

(d) the Government’s major road project to widen Parkes Way:

(v) which involves the construction of a third lane in each direction from Glenloch Interchange to Edinburgh Avenue, which will assist in peak time traffic flows, including traffic flows on William Hovell Drive; and

(vi) tenders were called in February 2012, with the project due to commence in May 2012;”.

(2) Omit paragraph (2), substitute:

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