Page 681 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 22 February 2012

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There can be no doubt that we have a strong economy. It is the fact that the ACT has one of the strongest economies in the country with the second highest economic growth behind Western Australia. But the opposition in this chamber would have us believe that the ACT’s economy is in peril. They would have us believe that having the most educated, the most productive workforce with the highest average income in the world is not good enough.

It is important for all members of this place to tell us why having an economy that is the envy of the country and the world is not enough. As I said, confidence plays an important role in economic activity and investment in the economy. Talking down the economy is irresponsible.

Although the ACT has a relatively strong economy, without sound management it would not be possible for the community to share the benefits. Without this government’s strong financial management we would not have weathered the global financial crisis as effectively as we did. Members will recall that it was this government that delivered five successive surpluses, including the biggest and the second biggest since self-government.

At the same time, the government addressed the chronic neglect of services to the most vulnerable and needy in our community—services for people living with disability and protection for children at risk. It was this government that addressed acute underfunding of essential services such as health, education and emergency services.

Results matter and this government delivers results for our community. We have ensured that priority services to the community are not only maintained but enhanced. Even though the world economy has placed pressure on our budget, the ACT government has adopted a plan for immediate return to surplus.

We have a plan developed during the global economic downturn and it adopts a long-term approach. It is a plan that has served this government and the community well. It ensures that we maintain services and respond to growth in the need for services, particularly in the priority areas of health and education. It also provides flexibility for adjustments should circumstances change.

This government, through its strong fiscal management of the economy, has been able to commit to and deliver the largest program of infrastructure across the territory since self-government. Positive benefits to the community from these wide-ranging investments into infrastructure and key services are substantial. This government has shown its commitment to ensuring ongoing strong economic performance and to ensuring that the positives of this are passed on to all citizens of the ACT both now and into the future.

Madam Assistant Speaker, ACT services are recognised as being high quality. A well-managed, strong economy has allowed for additional resources for our world-class health services, with state-of-the-art facilities, better access and improved patient outcomes. All this contributes to Canberrans being among the healthiest in the country.

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