Page 641 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 22 February 2012

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the Labor Party. No-one bar the Liberal Party is willing to hold Mr Hargreaves to account.

Much is made of the comments by Mrs Dunne. It is called irony. It is called giving somebody enough rope to hang themselves, which is exactly what he was doing. It is unfortunate that instead of holding—

Ms Burch: You hypocrite.

MR SMYTH: If you are calling me a hypocrite, stand up and say it. Be brave enough to say it loudly enough.

Ms Burch: Hypocrite?

MR SMYTH: Well, there you go; now you can ask her to withdraw that, Madam Assistant Speaker.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Ms Le Couteur): There is no point of order. It is an interjection only.

MR SMYTH: I am asking you to ask her to withdraw the word “hypocrite”.

MADAM ASSISTANT SPEAKER: I am just saying that there is no point of order. Please continue.

MR SMYTH: So the use of the word “hypocrite” is now permissible in this place in that manner? Thank you for the knowledge; that is very kind, Madam Assistant Speaker.

The problem is the application of the standards of this place. When I started this, I said, “This motion is about this place.” I said: “The comments cannot stand uncorrected on the Hansard, the record of this place. The apology is required to this place for bringing us into disrepute.” People look at us and the behaviour that occurred last Wednesday night and say, “How can that be allowed to stand?”

This amendment—I am speaking to the amendment—simply says that this event never happened. The intent in moving this amendment is to expunge the holding to account of a member and simply say:

… both the Chief Minister … and John Hargreaves … have spoken personally to the President … and have subsequently written to the Council confirming their support for its valuable contribution to our community …

That flies in the face of the statements that apparently the majority of members will now allow to stand on the record in this place. That is what is happening and that is what is wrong. That is why this motion is here today.

The amendment seeks to omit parts (3) and (4) and replace them with:

… restates its support for the work of all community councils …

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