Page 442 - Week 01 - Thursday, 16 February 2012

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(3) The Northbourne Avenue study will explore national and international best practice examples of light rail and bus rapid transit corridors and systems, noting how they might be applicable in the ACT and the Northbourne Avenue/Gungahlin to City corridor specifically.

(4) The Northbourne Avenue study will include consideration of possible financing options for the preferred mass rapid transit option for the corridor.

(5) The Infrastructure Australia submission on light rail is publicly available. The Northbourne Avenue study is still underway, and will be released in 2012.

ACTION bus service—disabled access
(Question No 1967)

Ms Bresnan asked the Minister for Territory and Municipal Services, upon notice, on 8 December 2011 (redirected to the Acting Minister for Territory and Municipal Services):

(1) What disabled access standards apply in relation to bus stops and bus shelters and what do these require.

(2) Do bus stops that do not have shelter meet the standards referred to in part (1).

(3) What percentage of ACT bus stops/shelters are compliant with disabled access standards.

(4) What programs and goals does the Government have for upgrading bus stops both generally and to meet disabled access standards.

(5) How does the Government’s policy to determine which bus stops will have shelter take into account the particular need for shelter for vulnerable groups, such as older Canberrans and people with disability and does this policy ensure that there will be more sheltered stops near aged care facilities.

Mr Barr: The answer to the member’s question is as follows:

1. AS 1428 – Design for access and mobility, Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 Guideline for promoting compliance of bus stops with the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (December 2010). These standards cover guidelines for the provision of safe access to and from bus stops for people with disabilities.

2. Yes.

3. There are around 3000 bus stops in the ACT. 886 (i.e. 30%) of these bus stops were found to meet compliance standards in 2011.

4. The ACT Government has allocated $1.395 million in 2011-12 for the upgrade of bus stops to meet Discrimination Disability Act requirements.

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